I’ve struck Gold.

Figuratively, that is!

Odds are, the Turmeric Latte, AKA Golden Milk, is all over your Instagram. It’s sudden spike in popularity has even lead Well+Good to declare that this wellness drink might be more popular than the beloved matcha latter in the year to come. So what exactly is this thing, aside from dazzling, warm beams of sunshine in a mug (that also looks strikingly similar to Felix Felicis ….)? Well, it’s a turmeric-based drink with major, major health benefits. This ancient spice that has antioxidant capabilities, fights inflammation, can help improve digestion (hayyy, I need this!), foster pain relief, and may even fight cancer. It’s all thanks to turmeric’s main ingredient Curcumin. No wonder it’s so popular, and if you haven’t heard about it, it’s time to get in the know!

My soul sista, Megan, told me about all about the awesome effects of turmeric and even shared an awesome homemade golden milk latte recipe, which you may have seen on my Instagram! Naturally, I was intrigued and has to put the recipe to the test. We ended up going on this turmeric tangent when we were listing all of the things we want to do as part of our 2018 wellness tour! I totally just made the name up, but in all seriousness, we’ve been making a list of all of the wellness inspiring things we want to try over the next few months. We’re starting with the Elevate Your Year challenge by Elevate the Globe, which started today, and we’re also thinking about a sound bath at either Mama Medicine or Breathe Salt Rooms. Cupping therapy is also in the mix (despite how much it freaks me out). Stay tuned for more details about this adventure in wellness!

Back to the spice of 2018….I ended up getting a ton of feedback on my recent turmeric latte Instagram post this week and a few people actually replied to my story asking for the recipe. Without further ado, here is the recipe Megan shared with me, along with some other recipes worth trying! Everybody’s recipe is a little different so I would say do whatever works for you! And I’m sure you’re wondering: what the hell does it taste like? Well, it’s hard to explain. The turmeric gives it a slightly spiced taste, but I find it pretty sweet and creamy. Decide for yourself when you try it!

You’ll need:

* Turmeric spice powder

* Cinnamon powder

* Coconut oil

* Almond Milk

* Small pot or teapot

* Blender (which I don’t have, so I used a WHISK)

* Your favorite supplements, like collagen andashwagandha

* A smile

The lowdown

1. Bring a cup and a half to 2 cups of Almond milk to a boil in the small pot or teapot

2. Once simmering, throw in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

3. Throw in 1 tablespoon of turmeric & 1 tablespoon of cinnamon. I’ve been using 2 tablespoons of turmeric for extra golden goodness.

4. Throw in the collagen and/ or ashwagandha. Feel free to get creative and add whatever supplements you like to use.

5. MIX IT UP! You’ll need to use the whisk to bring the mixture in the pot to a somewhat frothy state. Mixing it as hard as humanly possible is key, otherwise, the oil separates on top and it’s quite gross. I would definitely suggest throwing the mix right into your blender, like Megan, so you can sit back, relax, and watch the frothy magic happen!

6. Pour and enjoy!

And there you have it! If you have any ideas for improvements, feel free to leave them in the comments section below! As I said, there are tons of Golden Milk variations, but I’d suggest checking out Goop’s or Heavenlynn Healthy’s. Enjoy!

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